WDFW Approves razor clam tides: March 26th- April 3rd Tides Bottom Fishing opens March 8th
by Ali
(Astoria OR USA)
My favorite way to cook razors now is Rich’s broiled razor clams. They don’t injure me with snapping oil. Less mess. And much lower in saturated fat ((safe for health issues in my family.) but tender and yummy!
I live in Astoria, and have been cooking them for over 30 years, and this way is the best! I won’t go back!
BTW: the beaches here are closed because of the virus...to those traveling from inland. We have a small population here at the coast, with small and few hospitals and grocery. The beaches are open to locals only, and apparently IDs are checked randomly. This surprised me, but it’s in response to long lines of cars and beaches crowded, all with people who seemed to think they could escape the restrictions of their own towns. And like everyone else, these restrictions cost many here their livelihood. Spring and summer is tourist season, our bread and butter. We will survive,, as towns and neighborhoods. Maybe we will name all our communities “Phoenix”.
Do you have a great story about your visit to Grays Harbor Beaches? Share it! We would love to see it.