WDFW Approves razor clam tides: March 26th- April 3rd Tides Bottom Fishing opens March 8th
Listed below is some of the favorite Razor Clam Recipes from the locals in the Grays Harbor Beach area.
Do you have a recipe you would like to submit and add to the website? We would like to share new razor clam recipes from our fellow diggers. Click here to submit your favorite recipe
2 Tbl. diced bacon or salt
1/2 C. chopped onion
1 C. diced raw potatoes
2 C. water
1 pint clams ground or chopped and liquid
1 can evaporated milk
3 Tbl. butter
1 tsp. salt
1/4 tsp. white pepper
Saute pork or bacon until crisp. Remove scraps from pan and reserve for use later as a garnish. Add chopped onion to hot fat, saute until tender but do not brown. Combine cooked onion and diced potatoes in a deep saucepan. Add water, bring to a simmer for about 15 minutes or until potatoes are done. Stir in clams and all other ingredients. Heat until piping hot, but do not boil. Serves 6.
Dan's low-fat Razor Clam Chowder
Notes: Forget the salt pork, bacon and the butter to try this tasty recipe to enjoy your razor clams and not feel guilty!
This is a very forgiving recipe, so feel free to add more or less of these ingredients as you choose.
Like my mother did, I always have home canned razor clams on hand for this recipe. They are tender, require almost no additional cooking and have a wonder “clammy” liquid that you want to be sure to include in your chowder.
My motto with razor clam chowder is the more clams the better, so don’t be afraid to add more than is listed here. Also, leeks add a wonderful flavor that can’t be matched by onions. However, we always have leeks available in our winter garden so I’ll forgive you if you need to use an onionJ.
I always like to add a little “kick”
to my chowder using tabasco, sriracha, or a table spoon of horseradish. I’ll
leave it to you to experiment for yourself.
· 2 cups diced leeks (onions can be substituted)
· 2 cups potatoes (Yellow Finn or Yukon Gold are best) diced into ½ to ¼ inch cubes (think spoon sized)
· 3 large cloves of garlic well diced.
· 1 tablespoon of olive oil (or canola oil)
· 1 quart low fat butter milk
· 2 pints canned razor clams chopped and liquid (or 10 medium sized fresh razor clams)
· 1 can evaporated milk
· 2 cups (or more) chicken broth (optional if you need more liquid)
· 1 teaspoon (or more) of tabasco or sriracha sauce (optional)
Using a large cast iron Dutch oven (or similar sized soup pot) sauté the leaks and the potatoes in 1 tablespoon of olive oil, until they just begin to brown. Add the diced garlic at the end and sauté for 3 more minutes. If you’re using fresh (or frozen clams) add them to the pot (when you add the garlic) and extend the sauté another 3 to 5 minutes. If using canned clams, add them directly to the sautéed ingredients along with the butter milk and the evaporated milk. Heat this to just below a simmer for a few more minutes or until potatoes are done. Heat until piping hot, but do not boil. Serves 6.
Dan Ayres, WDFW Coastal Shellfish Manager
You will need: Razor clams, cleaned.
(The fresher the better)
Eggs, beaten (however many you need
for your egg wash).
Ritz Crackers, regular kind (not the low-fat or low-sodium varieties), crushed.
Enough to coat the clams.
Butter, melted. (Margarine works)
Preparation: Turn your oven broiler on to high. It needs to be HOT.
1. Dip the cleaned clams in the egg
2. Coat well with crushed Ritz crackers.
3. Lay the clams out, single layer, on a greased baking sheet. (Lining the
sheet with foil first makes easier clean up)
4. Drizzle the clams with melted butter, more or less to taste. (Without it
you’ll get dry clams)
1. Put the pan on the top oven rack under the HOT broiler.
2. Broil 3 minutes. Turn over. Broil 3 more minutes, and they’re done. Avoid over-cooking or the clams get rubbery.
The key is a HOT broiler or oven. You can do this in a HOT (500-degree) oven, without having to turn the clams over, but I’m not sure of the time. I prefer the broiler, thank you.
Done right, the clams are fork tender. And with no grease or oil spatter and mess from a frying pan, you’ll probably never want to fry a clam again!
Rich Daneker, KXRO Radio, Aberdeen, Wash.
1 limit of clams (15)
3 eggs
1 cup of flour
1 cup of cracker crumbs
Salt and pepper to taste
Rinse clams, drain, dip in flour, egg, and roll in cracker crumbs. Using high heat, fry in 1/4 inch oil in pan. Brown quickly for one minute or until brown per side. Take out and lay out on paper towels to absorb any grease, then serve.
1-1 1/2 C. clams -grind about 6 big razor clams (reserve the liquid)
1 C. dry white wine, very dry sherry or vermouth.
1 C. chopped onions
1-2 cloves garlic
1/4 C. butter and 1/4 C. olive oil
1-2 tsp. oregano
1-2 tsp. basil
3 Tbl. Romano or Parmesan cheese (grated)
Salt and pepper to taste
2 Tbl. parsley if you use dried - 1 cup if you use fresh-chopped
1 Pkg. spaghetti noodles cooked
Saute onion and garlic (crushed) in butter and oil combined until almost tender. Add spices. Combine wine and clam juice and add it at this point - simmer to reduce some liquid then pour in the clams, parsley and cheese. Simmer for a few minutes to warm up clams. Add salt and pepper. Pour the whole pan of sauce on your cooked spaghetti. Sprinkle on more cheese as desired.
1 limit of razor clams (cut into small pieces)
1/2 C. oil
1 tbsp. Liquid smoke
2 tbsp. Worcestershire sauce
2 tbsp. lemon juice
1 tbsp. seasoning salt
1 tbsp. chili powder
1 tbsp. celery salt
1 tbsp. garlic powder
Combine and stir oil and seasonings, then add clams. Bake on cookie sheet or in shallow pan at 350 degrees for 1 hour. Stir and drain frequently, saving juice. Store clams and juice in air-tight container. Will keep in refrigerator 2-3 weeks.
Cheese flavored goldfish crackers
Chopped clams
Clam liquid
Chopped chives, sauted shallots or onions
Run cheese flavored goldfish crackers through a food processor and use them for the breading for frying the clams. The herbed, cheesy flavor is delicious.
You can also use them for clam fritters. Take the leftover egg and breading, add the milky clam liquid (minus sand) from the bowl the clams were in before breading, add some chopped clam, and if you wish, some chopped chives, or sauteed chopped shallots or onions and fry the fritters in the pan used to do the clams. This is almost better than the clams by themselves, and it stretches the limit to feed your limitless friends, and your friends will be limitless, once word gets around
Basic ingredients
2- 8 oz. pkgs. of cream cheese reduced fat variety works fine)
8-10 oz chopped razor clams (gently cooked) a little - to lots- of clam nectar from the cooked clams (depending on how clammy you like it)
1 Tbs. Worchestershire Sauce (use the brown variety ONLY)
1 Tbs. lemon juice
1 Tbs. garlic powder
Salt to taste
A little sugar to taste if you like
3-4 shots of tabasco
Add ins:
1- tsp lemon zest (if you like) for flavor and garnish
1-2 finely chopped green onion(s) for flavor and garnish chili powder or paprika for some "kick & color"
Finely (or not so finely) chop razor clams in processor (or by hand)
Cook on Power 8 (sauté) ~ 1.5- 2 min. in microwave in container with vented lid.
CAUTION: Do not overcook clams!! (Unless you like chopped rubber bands.) You can always cook a little more if need be.
Cool clams quickly after cooking (I put dish in freezer for 5-10 min )
Add clams and nectar (all or some)
Mix all above ingredients
Adjust salt, sugar, garlic, lemon, Tabasco, zest to taste
Garnish and enjoy !!!
Note: For thinner consistency, add or substitute sour cream, cottage cheese or plain yogurt for some of the cream cheese.
Add your recipes here.