WDFW Approves razor clam tides: Feb 8th-14th Tides
Advertise your business with us to increase your customers.
Ads are displayed on relative pages to your business which includes all pages except the home page.
A business directory will be established to include all advertising businesses.
There will be a link on the home page to send to a relative page relating to your business.
Rates are as follows:
Tier 1Monthly $20.00 6 months $100.00 Yearly $175.00 Includes one picture of your business |
Tier 2Monthly $30.00 6 months $150.00 Yearly $250.00 Includes up to 5 pictures of your business |
Customers must provide Ad copy in a .jpeg format that is
high resolution (300 dpi) and is 360 x 270 pixels.
All ads will include links to your site and your business information. You may add a description about your business also. All ads are subject to review and approval by Grays Harbor Beaches. Contact Us: admin@graysharborbeaches.com